Using Persuasive Content to Drive Commerce Results

My latest blog details how to utilize persuasive content experiences to drive commerce results. #commerce #persuasivecontent
In an era in which it is common to acknowledge that customer experience is king, it is surprising that a tremendous number of commerce websites still offer incredibly basic experiences. Most people are familiar with this kind of online shopping scenario: a basic product catalog leads to a simple product detail page that includes elementary information, such as the product description and assorted photographs, leading to a checkout button that drives the ordering process. The reason so many commerce experiences are so basic comes from the nature of older commerce software, which, until recently, effectively ignored the opportunities to enhance the overall user experience.
The most successful retailers and sellers today leverage persuasive content as an additional layer on top of the core transactional functionality to drive customer conversions. Using a combination of compelling content, artificial intelligence, and customer data, sellers are finding remarkable success by delivering powerfully personalized commerce experiences to their customers. These experiences combine to help customers find the right product or solution, align it to their specific needs, and ultimately, persuade customers to purchase.
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